So On my New years eve /New years day.I decided to got to the New Yorican to celebrate.I was there since 8pm really they opened at 9 but I was there only because over here things fill up fasts and I didn't want to take the chance.So there I was waiting in the cold waiting for it to start and most people diddn't even show up until 20 after 9.But I didn't care.I started drawing at around 9:30.Alot people were confused on what I was going to draw since I always have this weird way of starting off.I like to bring Everything together toward the end.I say about 10:50 11:00 Everybody was there.It was so crowded in this little place.People were bumping into me while I was drawing.Some really stop dancing to figure out what I was drawing.I don't know why everyone thought I did graffiti on the side.Oh side question A lot of people are telling me that I look alot older than my age.Please tell me it isn't true?So back to the NewYorican.Yeah so the actual drawing stopped at around 11:55pm.I went up and danced by myself fo alittle bit.Waited for the new tear and made my little mark on the drawing right on the new year.As Far as I know and I'm aware.It was the First Drawing Concieved on the new year and new years eve for the firt ever New Yoricans New Years holiday Bash or party.
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